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The Master of Disability Studies is designed for a range of candidates including: qualified educators who wish to teach students who have a sensory disability, educators already working in the sensory disability field who wish to upgrade their knowledge, skills and qualifications and, professionals from a variety of backgrounds (including … For more content click the Read More button below.

Award abbreviation:


Volume of learning:

Equivalent to 1 year

AQF level:

Level 9

Course duration:

Full time: 1 year

Learning outcomes

On successful completion you will be able to

Critically examine, explain and apply the philosophies that underpin educational/therapeutic practice in the sensory disability field.


Demonstrate advanced and integrated knowledge of the impact of sensory disability on the physical, social, psychological and educational domains.


Apply the principles of clinical and functional assessment to educational/therapeutic practice in the sensory disability field.


Implement a range of differentiated instructional programs and strategies that foster habilitation, rehabilitation and learning for people with sensory disability.


Identify and communicate to diverse stakeholders the need for, and the range of, communication modalities used by people with sensory disability.


Critically analyse and explain the role of collaboration between team members (the person, their family and professionals) in promoting the inclusion of a person with sensory disability.


Apply research-based principles, research skills, systematic inquiry and critical thinking to professional practice in the field of sensory disability.


Critically reflect upon and act to foster change in professional practice to improve outcomes for people with sensory disability.

Course structure

Core Zone

80 credit points
Essential units
20 credit points
All students will select a specialisation from the course’s specialisation schedule
40 credit points
Complete one specialisation from the following options.

Course specifications

Learning and teaching methods
Support for learning
Course standards and quality
Assessment regulations
Graduate destinations and employability

Additional requirements

University-wide inherent requirements

About inherent requirements

Course-specific inherent requirements

Physical capability

Other requirements

Fitness to practice
Working with children check