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This is a 2020 unit. Check the year switcher above to see if this unit is available for study in a future year.


This unit provides an introduction to the multidisciplinary field of health studies. You will learn about the social and environmental determinants of health that result in inequalities both between and within countries. Specific topics you will cover include the leading causes of mortality and morbidity; impacts of globalisation on health; … For more content click the Read More button below.

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Owned at Faculty level

Unit level:


Grading requirement:



More detailed information about unit activities and assessments is provided in the Unit Guides.
Session 2, Infrequent attendance, North Ryde
Session 2, Special circumstances
Session 2, Weekday attendance, North Ryde


Enrolment rules

NCCW (pre-2020 units)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion you will be able to

Define and describe the key terms, agencies and sources of information for current major health issues, nationally and globally


Identify the leading causes of death and disability, nationally and globally


Identify the major determinants of health


Critically analyse the political, biological, socio-economic and environmental contexts of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity


Describe global trends relating to globalisation and environmental conditions and their impact on the changing health status of different areas around the world


Critically analyse academic writings on health issues available through peer-reviewed publications


Describe a major health issue in terms of its size, nature, determinants and opportunities for prevention



Final Examination
Written Report
Quiz 1
Quiz 2

Learning and teaching activities

Scheduled learning activities

Lecture (online)
Lecture (on campus)