There is a more recent version of this academic item available. Use the year switcher in the banner above to view the latest version of this academic item.


This unit provides the option of either an industry-based internship or an internally supervised research project as a major project experience for students in the Masters program. An internally supervised project may comprise literature research, a case study, a software project development, or a project sponsored by the candidate's employer. … For more content click the Read More button below. The industry-based internship helps students gain experience in industry. Students work with both industry and academic supervisors to complete a major project or a few smaller projects in situ. Project topics will be agreed between the university, the student and the industry partner. Candidates may complete the project work at the industry partner's location or their own place of employment, subject to University approval. Assessment will be based on a combination of written reports and presentations. This unit provides an opportunity for students to complete an internship working part-time over the course of a semester.

Offered by:

School of Computing

Unit level:


Grading requirement:



More detailed information about unit activities and assessments is provided in the Unit Guides.
Session 1, In person-scheduled-weekday, North Ryde
Session 2, In person-scheduled-weekday, North Ryde


Enrolment rules

NCCW (pre-2020 units)



Final Project Report
Mid-term report
Mid-semester presentation
Final presentation

Learning and teaching activities

Scheduled learning activities

Seminar (In-person)
Seminar (In-person)
Seminar (In-person)