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The MBA Capstone unit is designed to challenge and develop your skills and practice in communication, teamwork, decision-making, strategic thinking, innovation, and leadership. These skills are developed and integrated through industry and business-applied project work. You will receive mentoring from faculty staff as you identify and build innovative and viable … For more content click the Read More button below.

Offered by:

Department of Management

Unit level:


Grading requirement:



More detailed information about unit activities and assessments is provided in the Unit Guides.
Term 1, In person-scheduled-intensive, North Ryde
Term 2, In person-scheduled-weekday, City
Term 4, In person-scheduled-weekday, City


Enrolment rules

NCCW (2020 and onwards)



Assignment 2: Group Presentation
Assignment 3: Individual Report
Assignment 1: Business Plan – Group Report

Learning and teaching activities

Scheduled learning activities

Lecture Live (In-person)