This unit will critically examine how practitioners apply advanced psychological knowledge that incorporates an evidence-based, ethical approach across a variety of applied psychology disciplines. The unit will comprise three themes facilitating the application of this knowledge across both research and practice: 1) Principles of evidence-based practice, including knowledge of relevant … For more content click the Read More button below.
This unit will critically examine how practitioners apply advanced psychological knowledge that incorporates an evidence-based, ethical approach across a variety of applied psychology disciplines. The unit will comprise three themes facilitating the application of this knowledge across both research and practice: 1) Principles of evidence-based practice, including knowledge of relevant legislative frameworks; 2) Applied principles of assessment and psychometrics, and 3) Intentional interviewing and counselling across applied psychology disciplines, taking social and cultural contexts into account. Role-plays, live demonstrations, case examples, and a viva examination will be employed to teach interviewing and assessment skills.